Tuesday, January 10, 2012

This is Not a Historical Costume - Christmas Aprons!

My sister Keela has a gluten free cooking blog called Keela's Konfections. For Christmas, I drew her name in our family gift exchange, and decided to stretch the budget limit by making her a few aprons. They're made of quilting fabric I found at Jo-Anns. I decided to keep with the color theme of her blog, which is done in bright pink and green. I didn't use any patterns - I googled "Cute Aprons", found a few styles that I liked, and figured out the shapes. Two of the skirts are cut on the bias, which makes a big difference on the way it hangs. The plain, bright pink one is embroidered with the name of her blog. I just took it to one of the places in town that embroiders things like hats and t-shirts. They charged $10, and had it finished in about 10 minutes. Pictures!
Thanks Keela! I hope you enjoy, and get a lot of good use out of them while figuring out how to make delicious things gluten free.


  1. I love aprons! They remind me so much of my grandmother and the yummy things that came from her kitchen! For a while, it seemed as if aprons were a thing of the past. Bring back aprons! You did an excellent job on these! Also, I love your sister's blog!

  2. I need to take a picture cooking in my aprons! Soooooo many people have commented on how much they like them. Also all the girls at work want some now haha you should start an apron business!
