Saturday, June 9, 2012

Costuming for Friends - Another Faux-hardie

Here's Emma. She's a friend from work who I convinced to come to an SCA event with me. For the occasion, I made her a T-tunic disguised as a cotehardie, which I've begun calling faux-hardies. They're easier to pattern than real cotehardies, and go together a little quicker. And also a hood. I think Emma really liked the hood. She didn't take it off the whole day, even though it was kind of hot. The liripipe is really really long.

The event was lots of fun. We killed fighters by throwing plague rats at them, and flung things with a trebuchet. And otherwise, just hung around in the shade. Lovely day.


  1. Katie, I really like this look! It is simple yet elegant at the same time. Very nicely done!

  2. I like the sound of a faux-hardie. Do you have instructions anywhere?
