Sunday, December 19, 2010


My messy sewing room had become a burden on my soul. I really had no place to put my fabric. There was an attempt at some form of organization in my closet, but it was inadequate for the shear volume of fabric. So fabric ended up in neat piles on the floor. And then the piles became less neat, and began creeping toward the center of the room. Soon it had taken over.

As for the ribbon, trim, thread, buttons, and even sewing notions that I bought, there was no place to put that either. Most things ended up staying in the plastic bag they came home in, which where stashed under the ironing board. The things for one project were mostly together, but I would forget what I had, and was unable to find things when I needed them.

So, I bought some fairly inexpensive metal shelves, and some fabric cube bins, and organized everything. All the fabric was cleared out of the closet, so I would have room to actually hang my costumes. Fabric is on the bottom two shelves, and ribbon, trim, yarn, buttons and beads, corset hardware, patterns, and all my sewing notions are in the bins. My goal shall be to sew up the fabric I have as I buy new, so that I hopefully won't have more than will fill the bottom two shelves.

Actual room in the closet for costumes!

New shelves.

I even had room for Mildred the Non-Living Dress Form to move back into the sewing room!

All my neatly labeled bins.

Also, I've been busy, I've just been horrible at blogging recently. I'll post more project pictures soon.

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